EMC Announces RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines

RP4VMToday, timed with VMworld, EMC announced a new version of their RecoverPoint data protection / disaster recovery product: RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines. This is the product that came out of what was formerly being called Project Mercury.

The new product, takes RecoverPoint further into VMware data protection than the RecoverPoint Virtual Edition did, allowing data protection granularity at the individual VM level.

I’ll walk through the pieces, including what’s different between this product and the “full version” of RecoverPoint. Continue reading

GeekFluent’s Roundup of the EMC MegaLaunch Announcements

Perhaps you remember EMC’s first big product announcement event under their then-new CMO Jeremy Burton. They called it a “MegaLaunch” and set out to break several world records as part of the event. If you remember 20 people stuffed into a Mini Cooper, you remember the event.

Every year since then, EMC has repeated the MegaLaunch theme. Last year I was lucky enough to have a front-row seat at MegaLaunch III in Milan.

This year it’s MegaLaunch IV and here are what I think the important bits are:

Which was your favorite part of the MegaLaunch event? Let me know in the comments below.

EMC Announces ProtectPoint Backup Solution

ProtectPointToday, as part of their “MegaLaunch”, EMC announced a new backup/data protection solution called ProtectPoint.

Storage administrators already use a combination of array-based snapshots and backups to another device (either disk- or tape-based) to protect their users’ data. ProtectPoint combines these two — formerly separate — concepts into one elegant solution. Continue reading

EMC Announces Next-Generation VMAX Storage Array

VMAX3 LogoToday, as part of their “MegaLaunch”, EMC announced the next generation of their VMAX storage platform. The new line is known as the VMAX3 and consists of three models, the 100K, 200K, and 400K which succeed the previous generation’s 10K, 20K, and 40K VMAX2 models respectively.

According to EMC, the new VMAX3 models provide: Continue reading

Name Changes in the EMC Lineup

If you read my post on the product announcements at EMC World, and then followed any of the official coverage of the event, you may have experienced some slight confusion. Turns out between the pre-announcement blogger briefings and the actual announcements, there were two minor name changes. Let me make up for any inadvertent confusion by clearing it up. Continue reading

EMC Announces SRM Suite 3.5

EMC Storage Resource Management SuiteToday EMC announced the upcoming release of version 3.5 of their Storage Resource Management Suite (SRM Suite).

[ASIDE: Across the IT industry, SRM has stood for “Storage Resource Management” for years. I’ve always found it unfortunate that two very different products offered by the EMC Federation (this and VMware’s Site Recovery Manager) share the same acronym…]  Continue reading