I’m Going to DisneyLand!

No, I haven’t won the World Series (although, if I had it would certainly be worth bragging about considering that I’m not a member of any professional baseball team). I’ll be attending the Nth Generation Symposium as a guest of HPE and as a Tech Field Day delegate.

This is the 19th annual Nth Generation Symposium. The Symposium focuses on technological innovation. HPE is the Grand Sponsor of this year’s event.

And – yes – it is being held at Disneyland! Well, one of the Disney resort hotels, but that still counts as being on the grounds of Disneyland in Anaheim, CA, so just roll with it.

This will be the sixth Tech Field Day I’ve been invited to attend and the second “Exclusive” one. It’s always great to get an invitation to these events.

This will be both my first Nth Generation Symposium as well as my first HPE event. I’m looking forward to getting to see what this event will be like.

Naturally, I’m also looking forward to seeing some familiar faces and the Tech Field Day delegates I haven’t met yet.

As always, the Tech Field Day event will be livestreamed and recorded. You can get more information about Tech Field Day coverage of this event here. When the event is closer, I’ll post info on how you can follow along even if you’re not attending.

Heading to Commvault GO 2018 with Tech Field Day

It’s been a while (too long, I know…) since I’ve posted anything, but this seemed the perfect excuse to jump back into things.

Commvault GO 2018Next week, I’m heading down to Nashville for the Commvault GO 2018 conference. I’ll be there as part of the Tech Field Day contingent. I’ll be attending as an independent analyst, which means that in addition to the general sessions and access to the exhibition floor, I’ll also get to attend the analyst briefings. I’m looking forward to having some good stuff to write about from this.

Since, until very recently, I’ve been working for a vendor, I haven’t been able to take on this sort of opportunity for the past 18 months or so. I’m excited to be getting back into it.

In addition to the conference itself, I’m really looking forward to seeing the other members of the Tech Field Day group. Can’t wait to see the other eight folks I already know and have come to respect, and I’m looking forward to getting the chance to meet the other five folks I haven’t had the chance to meet yet.

These Tech Field Day events have been a great experience for me. I’ve learned so much from them and made so many lasting connections. If you ever get the opportunity to attend as a delegate and are able to have the timing work, my advice is to dive right in and go for it. You will not regret it.

My Schedule at VMworld US 2017

After having had to miss out on VMworld last year, I’m pleased to announce my triumphant return to the event. Or at least my return.

VMworld has always been, in my opinion, one of the best yearly events, not just in terms of the technical content and knowledge to be gained, but also because of the size and strength of the community that attends.

So, in that spirit, in the hopes of being able to reconnect with old friends, have in-person meetings with people I’ve only none online, and in making new friends and community connections, here are the places where you’ll most likely be able to find me during the event. Continue reading

Confirmed: I’ll be a Delegate at Storage Field Day 12 (#SFD12)

Storage Field DayA number of things had my status for this event up in the air for a little bit, but I’m very happy to announce that I am now officially confirmed as a Delegate at Storage Field Day 12 next week.

I’m very happy about this. To me the Tech Field Day events have always been in the “It’s an Honor Just to Have Been Invited” category. I’m excited (and curious about) seeing what the event’s sponsors will be presenting.

I’m also excited to see and spend time with the other delegates, many of whom are colleagues and friends, and some I’ll be meeting for the first time.


Continue reading

Off to the Bio-IT World 2016 Expo

Bio-IT WorldI’ll be spending Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week at the Bio-IT World 2016 Conference and Expo at the Seaport World Trade Center in Boston.

Mostly, I’ll be spending my time on the “Expo” side of things. I’ll be doing booth duty for Accunet Solutions, talking about the solutions we can offer Life Sciences customers.

If you’ll be at the conference, stop by the Accunet booth (#327) and say “Hi!” If you hadn’t planned on attending, but will be in the area, reach out — I can get you an Exhibit Hall pass.

The Exhibit Hall will be open:

  • Tuesday 5 April – 17:00 to 19:00
  • Wednesday 6 April – 9:45 to 18:30
  • Thursday 7 April – 10:00 to 14:00

Naturally, I’ll have GeekFluent stickers to give to anyone who asks.

Storage Field Day 9 – The High-Level #SFD9 Experience

Storage Field DayNow that I’ve been back for a while and have had some time to reflect on it, I thought I’d pull together an overall impression of my experience at the recent Storage Field Day Event. I’ll be following up over the next few weeks with posts focusing on the individual vendors and their presentations. This is intended as more of a high-level “what it was like” post.

[DISCLOSURE: The vendor sponsors involved in the event covered my expenses for the event. This included airfare, hotel, and meals. There was no expectation that I post anything in return, nor have I been asked to. No one other than me has previewed my content.]

OK, with that out of the way, let me dive in to: Continue reading

Headed to Pure//Accelerate 2016

Pure Storage logo[Disclaimer: Pure Storage is sponsoring my attendance at this event, and paying for my hotel and airfare. There was no requirement that I write about the event at all. Any thoughts or views expressed here are entirely my own.]

I’ve just received my travel confirmation to Pure Storage‘s Pure//Accelerate 2016 event coming up on 14-15 March. I’m looking forward to this event for a number of reasons. Continue reading

Headed to VMware Partner Exchange (#VMwarePEX)

In less than 48 hours, I’ll be boarding a plane to San Francisco to attend this year’s VMware Partner Exchange (PEX) conference. PEX is a VMware partner-only conference that’s always been a great learning and networking experience for me. Almost all of the vendors my company partners with will be there, too.

If you’re going to PEX and would like to meet in person, please reach out to me (either in comments here, or via email or Twitter). The chance to interact face-to-face with folks I normally only see online is one of the things that make these conferences so rewarding.

A rough idea of some of my schedule is below: Continue reading