EMC Elect 2016 – Just the Facts

EMC Elect 2016Yesterday, EMC announced the list of those who had been awarded the EMC Elect designation for 2016.

The EMC Elect is EMC’s community recognition program. Now in its fourth year, the Elect program seeks to recognize those who exhibit engagement with the EMC community, commitment to be “part of the EMC conversation day in and day out, offering thoughtful feedback and staying optimistic in [their] language”, and leadership.

This year there are 72 EMC Elect designees. This number is the lowest of any of the years of the program. You can see the official list of the 2016 EMC Elect here.

Last year, I posted my “by the numbers” breakdown of the 2105 EMC Elect membership. In the space below, I’ll do the same for 2016. Continue reading

EMC World 2015 Discount Code Giveaway

As in past years, EMC has given members of the EMC Elect community registration codes good for a $150 discount on the cost of this year’s EMC World registration.

Thanks to the generosity of my fellow EMC Elect members Hrvoje CrvelinIan Anderson, Mohammed Salem, Fabio ChiodiniBrett Sinclair, and Rob Peglar I currently have access to a total of 20 discount codes to give away.

There are a couple restrictions on the codes:

  • Discounts cannot be applied retroactively — the codes can only be used on a new registration.
  • Discounts cannot be combined with the discount given by any other registration code.
  • The codes are specific, so if I give you one don’t give it to a co-worker to use, too. Instead, send your co-worker to me and I can get them their own code.
  • The codes expire on 6 April 2015.
  • Discounts are not available to EMC employees.

So, if you:

  • Are not an EMC employee
  • Are not yet registered for EMC World 2015
  • Will register for EMC World before 6 April 2015
  • Would like a $150 discount on that registration

leave a comment on this post letting me know you meet the above criteria and I will email you your personal discount code.

Hope to see you at EMC World!

Journey to EMC Elect 2015 (with Bonus Number-Crunching)

EMC Elect 2015Today, EMC announced the list of names of those people named to the EMC Elect program for 2015.

Now in its third year, the EMC Elect program seeks to recognize engagement with, commitment to, and leadership in the EMC technical community-at-large. EMC has been very active in reaching out to the Elect community, working to involve them in events, and providing access to product information and technical resources.

I am honored and pleased to have been named to the EMC Elect program for the third year in a row. This year a total of 102 people were named, approximately a 27.5% increase over the total named for 2014. You can see the full list of names here.

My involvement with the EMC Elect 2015 goes a little deeper than that. I was one of twelve members of the EMC Elect 2014 who were asked to be on the panel of judges to help select the EMC Elect 2015. Continue reading

Headed to VMware Partner Exchange (#VMwarePEX)

In less than 48 hours, I’ll be boarding a plane to San Francisco to attend this year’s VMware Partner Exchange (PEX) conference. PEX is a VMware partner-only conference that’s always been a great learning and networking experience for me. Almost all of the vendors my company partners with will be there, too.

If you’re going to PEX and would like to meet in person, please reach out to me (either in comments here, or via email or Twitter). The chance to interact face-to-face with folks I normally only see online is one of the things that make these conferences so rewarding.

A rough idea of some of my schedule is below: Continue reading

EMC Elect for 2014 Announced

Today EMC announced EMC Elect 2014the “2014 edition” of their community recognition program, EMC Elect.

To borrow from the EMC Elect Community page, EMC Elect is a community-driven recognition. Candidates for this recognition have displayed three key characteristics:

  • Engagement — Members are engaging on the EMC Community Network, on social media, and in person at events.
  • Commitment — Being part of the EMC conversation day in and day out, offering thoughtful feedback.
  • Leadership — The kind of people who take every opportunity to engage with their peers and represent others as part of the community.

Continue reading

Front Row at the EMC Speed 2 Lead Event

If you follow the storage industry at all, you know that today EMC is holding their “Speed 2 Lead” event. To some, this event is also known as “Mega-Launch III”. During the event, EMC is making several storage product announcements at once. (“Several” is what separates a “Mega-Launch” from a simple product launch.)

If you follow me at all, you know that I have the privilege of being one of the members of the EMC Elect 2013 community.

Today, those two things have come together very beautifully for me. I was one of four members of the EMC Elect 2013 community invited to join EMC at the Speed 2 Lead event live in Milan, Italy and receive the same level of access at the event that industry press and analysts receive. While I’ve received advance briefings on product announcements from vendors in the past, this is the first time I’ve been flown to a launch event like this.

So far, it’s been a whirlwind of activity leading up to the event. The buy-in to the EMC Elect program at EMC’s executive level has been nothing short of impressive. I believe this to be a dual testament, first to the hard work put in by the EMC team that created and curates (shepherds? feeds? I’m really not sure what the right word to use here is…) the EMC Elect program, and second to EMC’s commitment to social media engagement.

Me with a Team Lotus F1 RacecarI said above that the EMC Elect here in Milan are being given the same level of access that press and analysts receive, but — quite frankly — I think we’re actually getting more access. On the day before the event, we were invited to take a behind-the-scenes walk-through of the event site — while the stage and sets were still being constructed. I got to have my picture taken while I was sitting on a Team Lotus F1 racecar. I got to sit in on some of the “dress rehearsal” that the EMC presenters were doing to ensure they were fully prepared for the event. How often does a guy like me get to do all that?

At some point after I’m home and rested up, I’ll do a full write-up on what the whole experience was like.

Until then, if you’re interested in what EMC actually announced at the event, you can read my thoughts about it here:

As a member of the EMC Elect, I’m grateful to have gotten to be a part of this. As an EMC partner, I’m looking forward to getting to bring these products to my customers.