Heading to Commvault GO 2018 with Tech Field Day

It’s been a while (too long, I know…) since I’ve posted anything, but this seemed the perfect excuse to jump back into things.

Commvault GO 2018Next week, I’m heading down to Nashville for the Commvault GO 2018 conference. I’ll be there as part of the Tech Field Day contingent. I’ll be attending as an independent analyst, which means that in addition to the general sessions and access to the exhibition floor, I’ll also get to attend the analyst briefings. I’m looking forward to having some good stuff to write about from this.

Since, until very recently, I’ve been working for a vendor, I haven’t been able to take on this sort of opportunity for the past 18 months or so. I’m excited to be getting back into it.

In addition to the conference itself, I’m really looking forward to seeing the other members of the Tech Field Day group. Can’t wait to see the other eight folks I already know and have come to respect, and I’m looking forward to getting the chance to meet the other five folks I haven’t had the chance to meet yet.

These Tech Field Day events have been a great experience for me. I’ve learned so much from them and made so many lasting connections. If you ever get the opportunity to attend as a delegate and are able to have the timing work, my advice is to dive right in and go for it. You will not regret it.

Look Who’s Coming to Dell EMC World 2017

It’s official. I’ll be attending Dell EMC World 2017. I’ve been invited to attend on a Media/Analyst pass.

Naturally, I’m excited and looking forward to it. This conference seems to be causing a small amount of confusion for folks who’ve attended past events. Folks who came from the EMC side (I include myself in this group) have to keep correcting themselves when they call it “EMC World”, and folks who came from the Dell side have to keep correcting themselves when they call it “Dell world”.

But “Dell EMC World” it is. I’m looking forward to seeing the joint solutions and how the two technology portfolios are coming together.

A Brief Personal History

Continue reading

Off to the Bio-IT World 2016 Expo

Bio-IT WorldI’ll be spending Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week at the Bio-IT World 2016 Conference and Expo at the Seaport World Trade Center in Boston.

Mostly, I’ll be spending my time on the “Expo” side of things. I’ll be doing booth duty for Accunet Solutions, talking about the solutions we can offer Life Sciences customers.

If you’ll be at the conference, stop by the Accunet booth (#327) and say “Hi!” If you hadn’t planned on attending, but will be in the area, reach out — I can get you an Exhibit Hall pass.

The Exhibit Hall will be open:

  • Tuesday 5 April – 17:00 to 19:00
  • Wednesday 6 April – 9:45 to 18:30
  • Thursday 7 April – 10:00 to 14:00

Naturally, I’ll have GeekFluent stickers to give to anyone who asks.

Headed to Pure//Accelerate 2016

Pure Storage logo[Disclaimer: Pure Storage is sponsoring my attendance at this event, and paying for my hotel and airfare. There was no requirement that I write about the event at all. Any thoughts or views expressed here are entirely my own.]

I’ve just received my travel confirmation to Pure Storage‘s Pure//Accelerate 2016 event coming up on 14-15 March. I’m looking forward to this event for a number of reasons. Continue reading

EMC World 2015 Discount Code Giveaway

As in past years, EMC has given members of the EMC Elect community registration codes good for a $150 discount on the cost of this year’s EMC World registration.

Thanks to the generosity of my fellow EMC Elect members Hrvoje CrvelinIan Anderson, Mohammed Salem, Fabio ChiodiniBrett Sinclair, and Rob Peglar I currently have access to a total of 20 discount codes to give away.

There are a couple restrictions on the codes:

  • Discounts cannot be applied retroactively — the codes can only be used on a new registration.
  • Discounts cannot be combined with the discount given by any other registration code.
  • The codes are specific, so if I give you one don’t give it to a co-worker to use, too. Instead, send your co-worker to me and I can get them their own code.
  • The codes expire on 6 April 2015.
  • Discounts are not available to EMC employees.

So, if you:

  • Are not an EMC employee
  • Are not yet registered for EMC World 2015
  • Will register for EMC World before 6 April 2015
  • Would like a $150 discount on that registration

leave a comment on this post letting me know you meet the above criteria and I will email you your personal discount code.

Hope to see you at EMC World!

Headed to VMware Partner Exchange (#VMwarePEX)

In less than 48 hours, I’ll be boarding a plane to San Francisco to attend this year’s VMware Partner Exchange (PEX) conference. PEX is a VMware partner-only conference that’s always been a great learning and networking experience for me. Almost all of the vendors my company partners with will be there, too.

If you’re going to PEX and would like to meet in person, please reach out to me (either in comments here, or via email or Twitter). The chance to interact face-to-face with folks I normally only see online is one of the things that make these conferences so rewarding.

A rough idea of some of my schedule is below: Continue reading

My Schedule for EMC World 2013

EMC World is almost here, and I’ve been spending a bit of effort figuring out how my time there would be best spent, and think I’ve got my schedule more or less worked out (there are only a couple double-bookings (and one triple-booking) remaining).

Working out my schedule details was originally an exercise purely intended for my own benefit.  Having everything in my calendar app will keep me on track once I’m embroiled in the full-on organized chaos that tech conferences tend to be.  However, a conversation with Matt Brender (@mjbrender) convinced me that others might be interested as well (and that I might want people to be able to find me), so following his example, I’ve decided to share mine here. Continue reading

Off to VMware Partner Exchange…

Next week, I’ll be in Las Vegas for VMware Partner Exchange (PEX) 2013.  This is a conference where VMware focuses on their partners.  It’ll be a great chance for me to hear VMware’s plans for the next year first-hand, and meet with a lot of VMware’s and my partners.

This will be my third Partner Exchange, but my first as an actual attendee.  In 2011 and 2012, I was working at the conference.  In 2011, I presented in the EMC Partner boot camp session and then worked in the EMC booth in the Solutions Exchange giving demos on the then-new EMC VNXe.  In 2012, I was responsible for running EMC’s booth in the Solutions Exchange.

This year, however, Continue reading