EMC Announces SRM Suite 3.5

EMC Storage Resource Management SuiteToday EMC announced the upcoming release of version 3.5 of their Storage Resource Management Suite (SRM Suite).

[ASIDE: Across the IT industry, SRM has stood for “Storage Resource Management” for years. I’ve always found it unfortunate that two very different products offered by the EMC Federation (this and VMware’s Site Recovery Manager) share the same acronym…] 

The main features added in the new version involve more integration with both ViPR and VPLEX.

ViPR Integration

In 3.5, SRM adds tighter integration with the ViPR controller. This allows for:

  • Improved virtual-to-physical mapping
  • The addition of new tenant file system reporting
  • ViPR chargeback reports

VPLEX integration

In 3.5, SRM also adds tighter integration with VPLEX. This allows for:

  • Better reporting and mapping of VPLEX topology groups
  • VPLEX Service Level mapping
  • New VPLEX performance reports
  • VPLEX chargeback reports


Storage Resource Management (SRM) Suite 3.5 will be GA before the end of Q2.

4 thoughts on “EMC Announces SRM Suite 3.5

  1. Pingback: Summary of EMC’s Monday Announcements | GeekFluent

  2. I’m unaware of any architecture changes above and beyond the tighter integration with ViPR (along with the renaming to “ViPR SRM”.

    If anyone out there reading is aware of other changes that I’m not, please jump in.

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