Name Changes in the EMC Lineup

If you read my post on the product announcements at EMC World, and then followed any of the official coverage of the event, you may have experienced some slight confusion. Turns out between the pre-announcement blogger briefings and the actual announcements, there were two minor name changes. Let me make up for any inadvertent confusion by clearing it up. Continue reading

EMC’s Nile Makes the Leap from Project to Product

EMC Nile logoEMC’s “Project Nile” was first revealed at EMC’s MegaLaunch event in 2013. The idea was hyper-scale private cloud storage at a cost-per-gigabyte similar to (or lower than) public cloud storage.

The idea was to provide this storage via software running on commodity storage hardware.

It was clear from the beginning that EMC intended Nile to be disruptive and a game-changer. Continue reading