EMC Announces ProtectPoint Backup Solution

ProtectPointToday, as part of their “MegaLaunch”, EMC announced a new backup/data protection solution called ProtectPoint.

Storage administrators already use a combination of array-based snapshots and backups to another device (either disk- or tape-based) to protect their users’ data. ProtectPoint combines these two — formerly separate — concepts into one elegant solution. Continue reading

EMC Announces Addition to the Data Domain Family, the DD2200

Data Domain Model DD2200Today, in one of the product announcements made on the opening day of EMC World, EMC announced an addition to their Data Domain line of purpose-built backup appliances, the model DD2200.

DD2200’s Place in the Data Domain Line

Unlike the VNXe3200 announced last week as a replacement model, the DD2200 is a brand-new addition to the Data Domain Line. It fits right in the middle of what EMC considers their Small enterprise models, being a step up from the DD160, but not quite as big as the DD2500. Continue reading

EMC Announces AppSync 1.5

Today EMC announced version 1.5 of their AppSync data protection software for the VNX storage platform. The software provides application-consistent data protection for applications running on VNX, regardless of whether they’re running on physical or virtual servers. AppSync provides an application-centric point of view and uses the native APIs of both VNX and RecoverPoint to deliver user-definable levels of protection to the applications.

How It’s Deployed

The AppSync server runs a centralized Unisphere-like interface. From this interface, admins can push AppSync agents out to application servers. Continue reading

EMC Announces Updates to BRS Line (Data Domain, Avamar, NetWorker), Part Two

Today, EMC announced updates across their entire BRS (Backup and Recovery Solutions) line of products, adding new data protection features. Due to size, I’ve split my analysis of this announcement into two parts, as follows:

Part Two:  What It Means

[DISCLAIMER: My breakdown of the EMC announcement in Part One is based upon information from EMC, given to me under embargo until today. You can consider it information directly from EMC, seen from my point of view, and, as such, can count on high accuracy. Everything in Part Two, however, is all me. What follows here is pure speculation and thought exercises of my own. To judge the accuracy of Part Two, revisit it a year or two from now…]

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EMC Announces Updates to BRS Line (Data Domain, Avamar, NetWorker), Part One

Today, EMC announced updates across their entire BRS (Backup and Recovery Solutions) line of products, adding new data protection features. Due to size, I’ve split my analysis of this announcement into two parts, as follows:

Part One: What Was Announced

EMC announced the following:

  • New mid-range Data Domain models to replace the current DD640, DD670, DD860, and DD890 models
  • Avamar version 7
  • NetWorker 8.1
  • Enhanced Mozy capabilities

I’ll go into more detail here:

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