Unboxing the Tap Wearable Keyboard and Mouse

If you know me, you know my love for gadgets — especially ones the advance my cyborgification, and ones that can be added to my PAN (Personal Area Network). So, it should come as no surprise that no more than ten minutes passed between the moment when I first heard of the Tap wearable keyboard and mouse device and when I had found it on the ‘Net and pre-ordered one.

While waiting for it, someone suggested that this would be a great candidate for an unboxing video. I’ve done one unboxing on this site before, on a very special episode of the GeekFluent MiniCast. Since that was an audio-only unboxing it went over about as well as you might expect it to. Continue reading

Panel Discussion of Abandonware (in an IoT Context)

During the past couple years, the good folks over at Gestalt IT have been working to find more ways to make sure that the Tech Field Day delegates feel that their time has been valued and put to good use. One of the ways they’ve been doing that is to use some of the down time to record podcasts.

At one of the Storage Field Days I attended, I was fortunate enough to get the opportunity to sit on a podcast panel to discuss “abandonware” — especially in the context of the Internet of Things (IoT).

What’s abandonware? It’s what happens when you have a networked device that still works, but is no longer supported by its manufacturer — or worse, whose manufacturer has gone out of business. Lack of support for the device means no more software updates, which means no security patches. Unpatched devices on your network leave your network vulnerable. Continue reading

My Video Interview at VMware PEX

While I was at the VMware Partner Exchange conference in February, I had the pleasure of running into Josh Atwell. Josh asked if I wanted to be interviewed in the SolidFire booth. Naturally, I said yes, and asked what aspects of their product they’d like me to talk about.

To my mild surprise, they didn’t necessarily want me to talk about SolidFire particularly, but instead on storage in general. The specific topic question was “What would be possible if storage wasn’t a barrier?”

I took a moment to think about some of my customers and had my answer. The video of the interview is below: Continue reading

Evolution of Virtualization – The Whiteboard Video

I posted before about having fun with whiteboards at VMware PEX, and I posted the draft outline for the “Evolution of Virtualization” whiteboard I did with Gabriel Chapman (@Bacon_Is_King).

Today, Amy Lewis (@CommsNinja) has posted the final version of the video we recorded.  I have to say, the editing makes it look very professional.

For me, improving efficiency and gaining flexibility have always been the driving forces behind virtualization. Continue reading

Magic Balloon: A Whiteboarding Creativity Game/Exercise

Anybody who knows me knows how much I love whiteboards.  When I run into a fellow whiteboard enthusiast, at some point I end up asking if they know Magic Balloon.

Magic Balloon is a brainstorming-style creativity exercise in the form of a game played on a whiteboard.  I originally learned about Magic Balloon in college when my friend Nat taught it to me.  It’s a fun game to play with your kids or with your crazy friends.  It’s also a great exercise for helping folks who think they aren’t creative or who find themselves unsure what to do with the big empty space of a freshly-erased whiteboard. Continue reading