VCE Announces Seven New Products in its Largest Launch to Date

VCE VblockToday, in their largest announcement since EMC, Cisco, and VMware jointly announced the company’s formation five years ago, VCE announced seven new additions to their product lineup. These new additions consist of:

  • 3 new Vblock models (System 240, 540, and 740)
  • 2 new “technology extensions” (Storage (Isilon) and Compute (Cisco UCS))
  • 2 integrated solutions for cloud management (Cisco and VMware)

I’ll walk through each of these in more detail below. Continue reading

GeekFluent’s Roundup of the EMC MegaLaunch Announcements

Perhaps you remember EMC’s first big product announcement event under their then-new CMO Jeremy Burton. They called it a “MegaLaunch” and set out to break several world records as part of the event. If you remember 20 people stuffed into a Mini Cooper, you remember the event.

Every year since then, EMC has repeated the MegaLaunch theme. Last year I was lucky enough to have a front-row seat at MegaLaunch III in Milan.

This year it’s MegaLaunch IV and here are what I think the important bits are:

Which was your favorite part of the MegaLaunch event? Let me know in the comments below.

EMC’s XtremIO Finally Available – Worth the Wait

EMC XtremIO logoToday, EMC announced the General Availability of XtremIO, their purpose-built all-Flash array. The announcement comes amid an unprecedented storm of pre-launch hyperbole from several vendors (as one might expect, very much “pro-” from EMC and rather “anti-” from some of the other all-Flash vendors).

In this (somewhat lengthy) post, I’ll walk through an introduction to XtremIO, its hardware, its operating system, and its built-in software features. I’ll also address XtremIO’s scalability and performance. Continue reading

VCE Announces New Vblock Offerings

Today, VCE announced new additions to their Vblock converged infrastructure product line. The offerings announced include the Vblock Model 340, two new specialized configurations for high-IO workloads, and version 2.5 the VCE Vision Intelligent Operations management software. Continue reading