My Schedule at VMworld US 2017

After having had to miss out on VMworld last year, I’m pleased to announce my triumphant return to the event. Or at least my return.

VMworld has always been, in my opinion, one of the best yearly events, not just in terms of the technical content and knowledge to be gained, but also because of the size and strength of the community that attends.

So, in that spirit, in the hopes of being able to reconnect with old friends, have in-person meetings with people I’ve only none online, and in making new friends and community connections, here are the places where you’ll most likely be able to find me during the event. Continue reading

GeekFluent Round-up of VMware’s Announcements from Monday of VMworld 2014

I’m here at VMworld 2014 and this year VMware has gone above and beyond. Monday’s opening keynote included more new product announcements than any other VMworld I’ve attended (I’ve been going yearly since 2009).

Such a massive flow of info can be hard to keep up with without a program. Below you’ll find my summary of the announcements. Continue reading

EMC Announces RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines

RP4VMToday, timed with VMworld, EMC announced a new version of their RecoverPoint data protection / disaster recovery product: RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines. This is the product that came out of what was formerly being called Project Mercury.

The new product, takes RecoverPoint further into VMware data protection than the RecoverPoint Virtual Edition did, allowing data protection granularity at the individual VM level.

I’ll walk through the pieces, including what’s different between this product and the “full version” of RecoverPoint. Continue reading

VMworld 2012: Not Your Usual Session Voting Plea

If you travel in some of the same online circles that I do (and, since you’ve somehow found this post, you probably do), you’ve probably noticed the same thing I have: VWSVPS.

VWSVPS is VMworld Session Voting Plea Syndrome.  Symptoms are indicated by any and all of your

  • Twitter feeds
  • RSS feeds
  • Google+ stream
  • normal blog reading
  • email Inbox

all being overcome by pleas like:

  • “Please vote for my VMworld 2012 session #XXXX!”
  • “Please consider voting for VMworld sessions #XXXX, #YYYY, #ZZZZ, #AAAA, #BBBB, and #CCCC…”
  • “I’ve never actually presented anything anywhere before, but please vote for my session because I’d really really like to”
  • “We’re Vendor X — Vote for ALL of our 367 proposed sessions!”
  • “A vote for my VMworld session, #XXXX, will help bring about World Peace”

Sadly, I can offer you no cure for VWSVPS.  (The issue should clear itself up after the voting deadline of 8 June 2012.)

In fact, all I have for you is yet another VMworld Session Voting Plea (YAVWSVP).

This plea is a little different, however.  I have nothing invested in how you vote — I’ve submitted no proposals of my own this year, nor has anyone at my employer (but look out next year!).

Instead, I’m just going to ask that you DO, in fact, vote.

Let’s face it: Ultimately this is VMware’s conference and they can do whatever they want with it (as they should), but they’re offering their user-base a chance to be heard and contribute to the decision process, and that’s an opportunity we shouldn’t miss out on.

So, please, sometime between now and the end of 8 June, set aside 20 minutes or so and go over to the VMworld 2012 Session Voting page and vote.  What should you vote for?  Whatever sessions and topics you would like to see presented.

Please, there are a lot of good proposals out there worthy of your attention, and if we keep participating, it’ll help encourage VMware to keep inviting our participation.

GeekFluent’s Top VMworld Session Choices

Are you going to VMworld 2011 in Las Vegas and finding yourself a little overwhelmed trying to select which sessions to attend?

Don’t worry — it’s happened to all of us.  There’s a lot of great content this year (as always) and it can be challenging to choose.  To help you out, I offer:

GeekFluent’s Top VMworld Session Choices

I’ve seen a few lists like this out there.  Mine’s going to be a little different in that I’ve divided it into six “areas of interest”, i.e.: “if you’re interested in Topic X, I’d recommend these sessions”.

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VMworld 2011 Public Voting on Sessions Is Now Open

This year, like last year, VMware is giving attendees to their VMworld conference the ability to help decide which of the proposed sessions they’d like to see presented at the conference.

If you have interest in which sessions get selected (and if  you’re planning on attending the conference, you should), I encourage you to go to the voting site and get your opinion heard.  Voting remains open through 18 May.  You’ll need to have a account.  If you don’t have one, registration is easy.

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