January EMC Solutions for VMware Webcasts

The New Year is here, and that means it’s time for another year’s worth of weekly webcasts from EMC. I’m curious to see how it goes. For the third year in a row, the same topic, “The Value of VMware Integration”, has started off the year. I gave that presentation in both 2011 and 2012. This year, Simon Seagrave (@Kiwi_Si) will be giving it. I’m looking forward to seeing what he does with it.

One of the great things about this series is that every webcast is recorded and then made available for on-demand viewing. As such, you may find it worth your while to register for a webcast you’re interested in even if you can’t attend it live. Folks who register will get email with a link to the recording as soon as it’s posted.

The webcasts run on Thursdays at 8:00 PST, 11:00EST, 16:00 UTC. The topics for January and their brief descriptions are listed below. Continue reading

2012: The GeekFluent Year in Review

I’ve been thinking that I really need to be taking a more deliberate approach to this blog and make sure I’m posting more regularly.  Looking around, all of the big names in blogging seem to put out a year-end post.  They tend to fall into one of two categories:

  1. The Top Ten (or Five) <Things in a Specific Category> of 2012
  2. My Top Five (or Ten) <Specific Category> Predictions for 2013

I thought about doing one or the other (or even both) of these styles of posts, but anything I thought to do seemed like a retread of other things already out there.  Others got there before me, and, quite frankly, I don’t have anything new or original to add at the moment.

So, Dear Reader, instead, I’ll be bringing you the 2012 GeekFluent Year in Review. Continue reading

December EMC Solutions for VMware Webcasts

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. With it past, we head into the home stretch of 2012, and with that we have the last webcasts of the year.

One of the great things about this series is that every webcast is recorded and then made available for on-demand viewing. As such, you may find it worth your while to register for a webcast you’re interested in even if you can’t attend it live. Folks who register will get email with a link to the recording as soon as it’s posted.

The webcasts run on Thursdays at 8:00 PDT, 11:00EDT, 16:00 UTC. The topics for December and their brief descriptions are listed below. Continue reading

November EMC Solutions for VMware Webcasts

While I’ve been occupied with Certification Quest (blog post coming on that), October has come to an end and November is just about to start, bringing with it a new set of webcasts. The webcasts we have coming up for November cover some great topics.

One of the great things about this series is that every webcast is recorded and then made available for on-demand viewing. As such, you may find it worth your while to register for a webcast you’re interested in even if you can’t attend it live. Folks who register will get email with a link to the recording as soon as it’s posted.

The webcasts run on Thursdays at 8:00 PDT, 11:00EDT, 16:00 UTC. The topics for November and their brief descriptions are listed below. Continue reading

October EMC Solutions for VMware Webcasts

Somehow, it became October without my noticing it. With a new month comes a new set of webcasts. The webcasts we have coming up for October cover some great topics.

One of the great things about this series is that every webcast is recorded and then made available for on-demand viewing. As such, you may find it worth your while to register for a webcast you’re interested in even if you can’t attend it live. Folks who register will get email with a link to the recording as soon as it’s posted.

The webcasts run on Thursdays at 8:00 PDT, 11:00EDT, 16:00 UTC. The topics for October and their brief descriptions are listed below. Continue reading

September EMC Solutions for VMware Webcasts

I’m a little late getting this posted. I’m going to use having been busy at VMworld 2012 last week as an excuse. (I’m not going to claim it’s a good excuse — it’s just the one I’m sticking with.) The webcasts we have coming up for September cover some great topics (even if I’m not one of the featured speakers this month…).

One of the great things about this series is that every webcast is recorded and then made available for on-demand viewing. As such, you may find it worth your while to register for a webcast you’re interested in even if you can’t attend it live. Folks who register will get email with a link to the recording as soon as it’s posted.

The webcasts run on Thursdays at 8:00 PDT, 11:00EDT, 15:00 UTC. The topics for September, their brief descriptions, and links to register for the webcasts are listed below:

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Isilon Integration with VAAI-NAS and VASA

It’s come up on my VAAI v2 (NFS) write-up that today there are only two products that offer vSphere Storage API for Array Integration for NAS (VAAI-NAS) integration with vSphere 5.  We all know that more will be coming, and we all hope it’ll be sooner, rather than later.  Personally, I predict that Isilon will be the next storage array with full VAAI-NAS support in VMware’s Compatibility Guides.

How can I be so confident?  I’ve seen it in action, and next week you can, too.

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August’s EMC Solutions for VMware Webcasts

Everybody’s getting ready for VMworld 2012, and the Everything VMware at EMC Community is no different. The webcasts we have coming up for August cover some really great topics — and I’m not just saying that because I’m one of the featured speakers this month…

One of the great things about this series is that every webcast is recorded and then made available for on-demand viewing. As such, you may find it worth your while to register for a webcast you’re interested in even if you can’t attend it live. Folks who register will get email with a link to the recording as soon as it’s posted.

The webcasts run on Thursdays at 8:00 PDT, 11:00EDT, 15:00 UTC. The topics for August, their brief descriptions, and links to register for the webcasts are listed below:

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June EMC Solutions for VMware Webcasts – “How To”

Over in the Everything VMware at EMC community, June is “How To” month.  The webcasts in June will all follow the “How To” theme.

One of the great things about this series is that every webcast is recorded and then made available for on-demand viewing. As such, you may find it worth your while to register for a webcast you’re interested in even if you can’t attend it live. Folks who register will get email with a link to the recording as soon as it’s posted.

The webcasts run on Thursdays at 8:00 PDT, 11:00EDT, 15:00 UTC. The topics for June, their brief descriptions, and links to register for the webcasts are listed below

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May EMC Solutions for VMware Webcasts

I may have a new job, but I’ll be staying on as the Community Manager for the Everything VMware at EMC site. It’s great to get to continue working with both the EMC VMware Affinity Team and the EMC Community Network Team in my new role.

Since I’m in the Community Manager role, I thought I should point out that the EMC Solutions for VMware webcast series continues, bringing you a new topic every Thursday.

One of the great things about this series is that every webcast is recorded and then made available for on-demand viewing. As such, you may find it worth your while to register for a webcast you’re interested in even if you can’t attend it live. Folks who register will get email with a link to the recording as soon as it’s posted.

The webcasts run on Thursdays at 8:00 PDT, 11:00EDT, 15:00 UTC. The topics for May, there brief descriptions, and links to register for the webcasts are listed below:

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