Summary of the Announcements From CommvaultGO 2018

Commvault GO 2018I’m at the CommvaultGO conference, and the new announcements are coming out at a rapid-fire pace. It’s hard enough to keep track of everything while I’m here and can ask questions in real time — I can only imagine how difficult it is trying to keep track if you’re not here.

To make it easier, I’ve summarized the big announcements below. Continue reading

Turbonomic Announces Version 5.9, Adds Support for Hybrid Cloud

Today Turbonomic announced  a new release of their autonomic management suite, version 5.9. The new version adds new capabilities, expanding their automated management into hybrid cloud environments, as well as a number of performance enhancements.

With this release, Turbonomic is furthering their mission: to enable their customers to automate and control any workload, on any infrastructure, any time, and any place.

What’s New in 5.9

I’ll summarize what I see as the key new things Turbonomic has added in version 5.9. Continue reading

VMTurbo Releases Operations Manager version 5.3

VMTurbo logoThis week, VMTurbo released version 5.3 of their Operations Manager monitoring / management / automation / Quality of Service (QoS) tool.

Yes, I’ll admit that previous sentence is a little confusing, but Operations Manager has so many features and capabilities packed into it that it defies easy classification.

For those who aren’t familiar with VMTurbo or their Operations Manager, I’ll do an overview of it, then I’ll walk through what’s new in version 5.3. If you’re already familiar with VMTurbo and just want to leap right in, you can download a free trial here. Continue reading

Cisco Launches Champions Program for 2013

Cisco Champion for Data CenterYesterday, Cisco began sending email notifications to the people they’re inviting to participate in the Cisco Champions Program. This program’s purpose is “to create and nurture a network of people who are passionate about Cisco and enjoy sharing their knowledge, expertise, and thoughts across the social web and with Cisco.”

I’m happy, excited, and humbled to have been invited to be a Cisco Champion for Data Center. Continue reading

Isilon and Data Centers and Forklifts, Oh My!

Most of my blog posts are long and text-heavy. This one is short on text and mostly photos…

Over the course of my career, I’ve been in a lot of different data centers. Some have been in interesting places, strange places, and some under frighteningly high levels of security. I’ve installed, fixed, and administered compute, network, and storage gear in a lot of places.

ClusterHowever, this week, I got to experience something new. I went to a new customer site to help get a new EMC Isilon cluster (that’s it, in its original packaging, on a pallet in the picture on the right) up and running on a 10GbE network. The customer (who gave permission for me to use the pictures, but prefers to remain anonymous) wanted the cluster installed in their new manufacturing facility.

Most of the building is a giant open floor, complete with an overhead crane rated for 25 tons. There’s only a tiny portion of the building that has a second floor, so there’s no elevator. Oh, and the data center is upstairs… Continue reading