No, I haven’t won the World Series (although, if I had it would certainly be worth bragging about considering that I’m not a member of any professional baseball team). I’ll be attending the Nth Generation Symposium as a guest of HPE and as a Tech Field Day delegate.
This is the 19th annual Nth Generation Symposium. The Symposium focuses on technological innovation. HPE is the Grand Sponsor of this year’s event.
And – yes – it is being held at Disneyland! Well, one of the Disney resort hotels, but that still counts as being on the grounds of Disneyland in Anaheim, CA, so just roll with it.
This will be the sixth Tech Field Day I’ve been invited to attend and the second “Exclusive” one. It’s always great to get an invitation to these events.
This will be both my first Nth Generation Symposium as well as my first HPE event. I’m looking forward to getting to see what this event will be like.
Naturally, I’m also looking forward to seeing some familiar faces and the Tech Field Day delegates I haven’t met yet.
As always, the Tech Field Day event will be livestreamed and recorded. You can get more information about Tech Field Day coverage of this event here. When the event is closer, I’ll post info on how you can follow along even if you’re not attending.