Summary of the Announcements From CommvaultGO 2018

Commvault GO 2018I’m at the CommvaultGO conference, and the new announcements are coming out at a rapid-fire pace. It’s hard enough to keep track of everything while I’m here and can ask questions in real time — I can only imagine how difficult it is trying to keep track if you’re not here.

To make it easier, I’ve summarized the big announcements below. Continue reading

Heading to Commvault GO 2018 with Tech Field Day

It’s been a while (too long, I know…) since I’ve posted anything, but this seemed the perfect excuse to jump back into things.

Commvault GO 2018Next week, I’m heading down to Nashville for the Commvault GO 2018 conference. I’ll be there as part of the Tech Field Day contingent. I’ll be attending as an independent analyst, which means that in addition to the general sessions and access to the exhibition floor, I’ll also get to attend the analyst briefings. I’m looking forward to having some good stuff to write about from this.

Since, until very recently, I’ve been working for a vendor, I haven’t been able to take on this sort of opportunity for the past 18 months or so. I’m excited to be getting back into it.

In addition to the conference itself, I’m really looking forward to seeing the other members of the Tech Field Day group. Can’t wait to see the other eight folks I already know and have come to respect, and I’m looking forward to getting the chance to meet the other five folks I haven’t had the chance to meet yet.

These Tech Field Day events have been a great experience for me. I’ve learned so much from them and made so many lasting connections. If you ever get the opportunity to attend as a delegate and are able to have the timing work, my advice is to dive right in and go for it. You will not regret it.