Cohesity Announces Cloud Integration for Their Storage Platform

[DISCLOSURE: Cohesity was one of the sponsors of the Storage Field Day 9 event (SFD9) that I was a delegate for. As such, they helped to pay for my travel, accommodations, and meals for that event. There was no requirement or even expectation that I write anything about them. No one from Cohesity (or anywhere else for that matter) has reviewed the content of this post.]

Cohesity logoToday, Cohesity announced the addition of Cloud integration with their storage platform.

Cohesity is a storage startup that, quite frankly, I hadn’t even heard of before receiving the invitation to Storage Field Day. In what may turn out to be a very clever strategy, Cohesity has made the conscious decision to let the existing players fight over the hotly-contested primary storage space. Instead, Cohesity is concentrating on capturing the less “sexy” — but just as important — secondary storage space.

In discussing this, Cohesity makes a “storage iceberg” analogy, wherein primary storage is only the part of the iceberg that’s visible above the surface, while secondary storage is everything below the surface: Tier 2/3 applications, copies of data, backups, archives, etc. Continue reading

Storage Field Day 9 – The High-Level #SFD9 Experience

Storage Field DayNow that I’ve been back for a while and have had some time to reflect on it, I thought I’d pull together an overall impression of my experience at the recent Storage Field Day Event. I’ll be following up over the next few weeks with posts focusing on the individual vendors and their presentations. This is intended as more of a high-level “what it was like” post.

[DISCLOSURE: The vendor sponsors involved in the event covered my expenses for the event. This included airfare, hotel, and meals. There was no expectation that I post anything in return, nor have I been asked to. No one other than me has previewed my content.]

OK, with that out of the way, let me dive in to: Continue reading

Storage Field Day 9 (#SFD9) Preview and How to Follow Along From Home

Storage Field DayIf you weren’t able to guess from my previous post about this, I’m very excited to be returning to Storage Field Day as a delegate for SFD9.

If you won’t be there at the event, I figured you might like more info on the presenters and on how you can follow along — in real time.
Continue reading

Confirmed for Storage Day 9 (#SFD9)

Storage Field DayYou may remember that I made my Tech Field Day debut last year at Storage Field Day 7. If you followed any of the video stream during, or any of the recordings afterwards, you’ll have some sense of how much fun it was and just how much information we received over the course of the event.

What you may not know is that I was invited to return as a delegate for Storage Field Day 8, but, due to scheduling conflicts, was unable to attend.

What you most likely didn’t know (before you read the title of this post) was that I’ll be returning as a delegate for Storage Field Day 9. The event will be in Silicon Valley 16-18 March.

So far, the publicly-announced vendors who’ll be presenting include:

  • Cloudian
  • Exablox
  • Intel
  • Primary Data

I’ll post more about this event when it gets closer and more of the presenters are public. For now, I’ll just say that I’m honored and excited to have been invited back.