[Disclaimer: Pure Storage is sponsoring my attendance at this event, and paying for my hotel and airfare. There was no requirement that I write about the event at all. Any thoughts or views expressed here are entirely my own.]
I’ve just received my travel confirmation to Pure Storage‘s Pure//Accelerate 2016 event coming up on 14-15 March. I’m looking forward to this event for a number of reasons.
First, I’ll be taking some training that will get me certified on Pure. Since I work for a company that has Pure Storage as one of the platforms we offer, this will be important to the accounts I support.
Second, the agenda looks really good. Some great, engaging topics, and some very interesting speakers.
Last, and by no means least, I’ve also received an invitation to a special “sneak preview” event happening right before the conference officially starts. Sneak preview of what, you ask? Well, at this point, I couldn’t tell you even if I was willing to break my word (which I’m not), since I don’t actually know yet. I’ll share more details when I can. (I’m guessing in a blog post immediately afterwards…)
Will you be at Pure//Accelerate 2016? Let me know and let’s connect while we’re there.