Off to VMware Partner Exchange…

Next week, I’ll be in Las Vegas for VMware Partner Exchange (PEX) 2013.  This is a conference where VMware focuses on their partners.  It’ll be a great chance for me to hear VMware’s plans for the next year first-hand, and meet with a lot of VMware’s and my partners.

This will be my third Partner Exchange, but my first as an actual attendee.  In 2011 and 2012, I was working at the conference.  In 2011, I presented in the EMC Partner boot camp session and then worked in the EMC booth in the Solutions Exchange giving demos on the then-new EMC VNXe.  In 2012, I was responsible for running EMC’s booth in the Solutions Exchange.

This year, however, Continue reading

Achievement Unlocked: Certification Quest

If you follow me on Twitter, you may have caught some of the story of chasing certifications in October and how the best-laid plans meant nothing to Hurricane Sandy. Despite the obstacles thrown in our way, my teammates and I charged ahead and succeeded in the Bold Plan that was Certification Quest, wherein 6 people achieved 10 EMC certifications in 3.5 weeks (I got 4 of them, taking 4 exams over a 2-day period).

Now that’s it’s over and we’ve had the chance to relax a little, I thought I’d pull together some of my thoughts about the whole process. Continue reading

Careful with the Jargon…

As the only Technical guy in a Marketing group, it will likely come as no surprise that I encounter occasional problems with jargon.  What might surprise you is that my biggest jargon problems aren’t caused by me using Tech-speak around the non-Techies; the biggest issues arise when people use Market-speak around the non-Marketer (me).

Let me give you an example. Continue reading