Time to Retire the #HireDaveNow Hashtag

You read that right. After what felt like a very long job search (to be fair it only felt that way because it was, in fact, very long), I no longer need to use the #HireDaveNow hashtag. This frees me up to focus on other Dave-related hashtags, like the very timely #WriteInDave2020, the crowd favorite #ThanksDave (which I’ve only learned just now some people are using in a very serious fashion), and the one that started the Dave-related hashtag phenomenon, #LetDaveDrive.

Acronis logo

By the time you’re reading this, I will have already started my new job as a Senior Product Marketing Manager at Acronis. I’ll be way over at the technical end of the marketing spectrum, helping folks understand how Acronis solutions work and helping people understand the business value of technical features. Continue reading

My Schedule for EMC World 2013

EMC World is almost here, and I’ve been spending a bit of effort figuring out how my time there would be best spent, and think I’ve got my schedule more or less worked out (there are only a couple double-bookings (and one triple-booking) remaining).

Working out my schedule details was originally an exercise purely intended for my own benefit.  Having everything in my calendar app will keep me on track once I’m embroiled in the full-on organized chaos that tech conferences tend to be.  However, a conversation with Matt Brender (@mjbrender) convinced me that others might be interested as well (and that I might want people to be able to find me), so following his example, I’ve decided to share mine here. Continue reading

Careful with the Jargon…

As the only Technical guy in a Marketing group, it will likely come as no surprise that I encounter occasional problems with jargon.  What might surprise you is that my biggest jargon problems aren’t caused by me using Tech-speak around the non-Techies; the biggest issues arise when people use Market-speak around the non-Marketer (me).

Let me give you an example. Continue reading