EMC Announces AppSync 1.5

Today EMC announced version 1.5 of their AppSync data protection software for the VNX storage platform. The software provides application-consistent data protection for applications running on VNX, regardless of whether they’re running on physical or virtual servers. AppSync provides an application-centric point of view and uses the native APIs of both VNX and RecoverPoint to deliver user-definable levels of protection to the applications.

How It’s Deployed

The AppSync server runs a centralized Unisphere-like interface. From this interface, admins can push AppSync agents out to application servers. Continue reading

EMC Announces Next-Generation VNX – Takes It Full Multicore

Today EMC announced the availability of the next generation of their VNX unified storage platform, previously codenamed “Rockies”. The new platform — actually available for purchase for the past month or so — which some are calling “VNX2”, offers a significant performance increase over the previous generation. Rather than VNX2, EMC refers to this generation as “MCx”, which stands for “Multi-Core Optimized”.

Virtualization as a Storage Driver

EMC has seen the greatest growth in the VNX line in its use as an engine for server virtualization. With the hyper-consolidation that server virtualization technology like VMware vSphere allows for, storage arrays become aggregators for tens, hundreds, and even thousands of virtual machines.

Designing storage for virtual environments isn’t always easy.
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