EMC Announces SRM Suite 3.5

EMC Storage Resource Management SuiteToday EMC announced the upcoming release of version 3.5 of their Storage Resource Management Suite (SRM Suite).

[ASIDE: Across the IT industry, SRM has stood for “Storage Resource Management” for years. I’ve always found it unfortunate that two very different products offered by the EMC Federation (this and VMware’s Site Recovery Manager) share the same acronym…]  Continue reading

More Heartbleed Protection: Update VMware Horizon View Client on Your Mobile Devices

The industry is still cleaning up following the news about the Heartbleed bug in OpenSSL. VMware has released updated versions of the Horizon View Client for both Android and iOS.

The easiest way to ensure you’re safe from the Heartbleed vulnerability is to check to see if there’s an update to the View Client available for your device, and if there is, install it. You can do this on Android by going to the Google Play Store and then selecting “My Apps”. On iOS, go to the App Store and select “Updates”.

If you want to be sure, here are instructions for confirming that you’re running a “Heartbleed-safe” version of the client. Continue reading

Update OpenSSL on Isilon InsightIQ – Avoid the Heartbleed Vulnerability

[Instructions found herein are based upon the work of multiple other folks in this thread in the Isilon Support Forum.]

By now, you’re likely aware of the “Heartbleed” security vulnerability in the OpenSSL cryptography library. If you have an Isilon cluster, you might be wondering if it’s affected. The good news is that all versions of OneFS are Heartbleed-free.

However, if you’re also running the InsightIQ monitoring software, it might be vulnerable, depending on the version. Here’s what you need to know to find out if your cluster is affected — and what to do about it if it is. Continue reading

Cisco Launches Champions Program for 2013

Cisco Champion for Data CenterYesterday, Cisco began sending email notifications to the people they’re inviting to participate in the Cisco Champions Program. This program’s purpose is “to create and nurture a network of people who are passionate about Cisco and enjoy sharing their knowledge, expertise, and thoughts across the social web and with Cisco.”

I’m happy, excited, and humbled to have been invited to be a Cisco Champion for Data Center. Continue reading

Isilon and Data Centers and Forklifts, Oh My!

Most of my blog posts are long and text-heavy. This one is short on text and mostly photos…

Over the course of my career, I’ve been in a lot of different data centers. Some have been in interesting places, strange places, and some under frighteningly high levels of security. I’ve installed, fixed, and administered compute, network, and storage gear in a lot of places.

ClusterHowever, this week, I got to experience something new. I went to a new customer site to help get a new EMC Isilon cluster (that’s it, in its original packaging, on a pallet in the picture on the right) up and running on a 10GbE network. The customer (who gave permission for me to use the pictures, but prefers to remain anonymous) wanted the cluster installed in their new manufacturing facility.

Most of the building is a giant open floor, complete with an overhead crane rated for 25 tons. There’s only a tiny portion of the building that has a second floor, so there’s no elevator. Oh, and the data center is upstairs… Continue reading