Gear Review: Draw Attention Laptop Whiteboard Decal

[Disclaimer: I received no consideration for reviewing this product. It’s something I purchased on my own. The gentleman responsible for the product is aware I’ll be posting this (we exchanged some tweets), but has made no attempt to influence it.]

Everybody knows I love whiteboards. So, when I first learned of DrawAttention‘s product — a vinyl decal for adding a whiteboard surface to a laptop — it should come as no surprise that I ordered one a couple hours later. Specifically, I ordered the decal for my MacBook Air. I thought about ordering one for my work laptop, but there are too many stickers on it that I’m not ready to give up.

Here are my thoughts on the product. Continue reading

Evolution of Virtualization – The Whiteboard Video

I posted before about having fun with whiteboards at VMware PEX, and I posted the draft outline for the “Evolution of Virtualization” whiteboard I did with Gabriel Chapman (@Bacon_Is_King).

Today, Amy Lewis (@CommsNinja) has posted the final version of the video we recorded.  I have to say, the editing makes it look very professional.

For me, improving efficiency and gaining flexibility have always been the driving forces behind virtualization. Continue reading

Magic Balloon: A Whiteboarding Creativity Game/Exercise

Anybody who knows me knows how much I love whiteboards.  When I run into a fellow whiteboard enthusiast, at some point I end up asking if they know Magic Balloon.

Magic Balloon is a brainstorming-style creativity exercise in the form of a game played on a whiteboard.  I originally learned about Magic Balloon in college when my friend Nat taught it to me.  It’s a fun game to play with your kids or with your crazy friends.  It’s also a great exercise for helping folks who think they aren’t creative or who find themselves unsure what to do with the big empty space of a freshly-erased whiteboard. Continue reading