Most-Read GeekFluent Posts in 2019

What a year 2019 was. But now it’s past and good riddance.

Not all of 2019 was bad, but — for me at least — it was a hard year as can be evidenced by the frighteningly low number of new posts I made during the year. Everything is starting into an upswing now, so this post is part of just putting the year behind me and moving on into 2020.

So, with that in mind, I give you a list of my ten most-read posts during 2019. Continue reading

Voting for Top vBlog 2017 is Open — Closes 30 June

It’s that time of year again when you’re seeing lots of “Vote for Me!” blog posts and tweets. This is not one of those posts.

Yes, once again, Eric Seibert is running voting for the Top vBlog of 2017 on his really great blog vSphere-Land(If it’s not already in whatever you’ve moved to since Google Reader went away, take a moment to add it now. I’ll wait.) Again this year, Turbonomic is helping to sponsor the voting.

So, no, I’m not going to ask you to rush over there and vote for me. I am, however going to ask you to go there sometime before voting closes on 30 June 2017 and vote for the blogs (you can choose 12 of them) that you find to be:

  • The most helpful
  • The most informative
  • The best

In the Big Scheme of ThingsTM, does being voted on of the Top vBlogs of 2017 really matter? No. No, it doesn’t.

However, I know that your favorite bloggers will definitely appreciate seeing their blog rise up a little higher in the rankings. I know that a lot of folks out there put a lot of time and effort into their postings — almost all of it during their “free” time — and almost all of them aren’t making any money off of their blogs. (Full Disclosure: From sponsorship, this blog earned slightly more than enough money to cover my hosting fees in 2016, netting approximately $16 USD for the entire year.

So thank them by taking the time to vote for the folks you read and are informed by, whoever they are — I know they’ll appreciate it. (Don’t get me wrong — if you’re having trouble thinking of who to give your 12th vote to, I’ll happily take it, but it won’t bother me in the least if you don’t vote for me at all, as long as you took the time to vote for folks you believe deserve the recognition.)

You can read up on the voting and cast your vote here.

Voting for Top vBlogs of 2016 is Open!

vote-button1vSphere-land is running the annual voting for the Top Virtualization Blogs (vBlogs) of 2016. There are so many good blogs out there Eric (who runs vSphere-Land) has made two changes to the voting this year:

  1. To qualify, a blog needs to have had at least 10 posts published in 2015.
  2. You can now vote for your 12 favorite blogs (up from 10 last year).

There are a lot of great blogs out there, many of them written by folks who are doing the work on their own time. If you’ve benefitted from reading them, help thank your favorite authors by taking a few minutes to vote for them.

And while I’d love your vote (I’m also in the categories Best Storage Blog and Best Independent Blog (just saying…)), it’s more important that you vote for the folks you’ve benefitted from.

Keep it classy, though. Every year Eric does a lot of work to stop folks from trying to work the system to get more votes for themselves. Don’t make his job harder on him.

Take a few minutes and vote for your favorites here.

For Vendors: Handling Negative Social Media Feedback — Three Case Studies and Some Tips

Thumbs DownIf you’re a right-thinking individual, you’ll find it hard to believe that sometimes not everyone agrees with everything I write. In fact, sometimes people have taken exception to things I write. On the rare event when it has happened, it’s usually the vendors I write about who disagree with me.

In this post, I’ll present the stories of three different times this has happened to me in the past year or so. I’ll cover what happened, what the vendor didn’t appreciate about what I said, how they decided to handle that, and the end results of their actions. Continue reading

Dave’s Blogging Tips: Don’t Wait

Tech Bloggers' Support GroupThis is the first of what I’m hoping to turn into a series of blogging tips posts.

I’m well aware that I haven’t been blogging anywhere’s near as long as some of the other folks out there have been. I’m also well aware that I haven’t achieved the level of blogging success that some folks have.

But, I have been doing this for three years now, and I’ve managed to become a medium-sized deal in my small corner of the broader community, so while I won’t claim to be a leading authority, I also won’t play the false humility card. I will share what things I have learned. Most of it will be advice I wish I had received, but instead ended up learning the hard way.

Experience: the most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn.
— C. S. Lewis

Knowledge sharing of this type was the main driver behind the creation of the Tech Bloggers’ Support Group.

With all that said, it’s time for me to follow my own first piece of advice: Continue reading

Tech Bloggers’ Support Group – Beta Test

Tech Bloggers' Support GroupThis is an idea I’ve been kicking around for a while. I’ve been thinking about how I’d like to be doing more with this blog: posting more often, creating series of posts, improving my writing skills, increasing my readership, etc.

Obviously, the easiest of these for me to affect is the “posting more often”. I’m often well-intentioned about this, but between work, family, and other obligations, writing for my own blog often takes a back seat. Continue reading

Top VMware and Virtualization Blog Survey 2015

topvblog20151smallestThe blog vSphere-land is holding its annual contest / voting survey for the top 50 VMware- and virtualization-related blogs of 2015. All blogs listed on the vLaunchPad site are eligible.

This blog was added to the vLaunchPad after the nominations for specific recognition categories, but in time to be included in the general voting. It looks like there are about 400 or so blogs eligible, a lot of them ones I read regularly.

I urge you to take a few minutes of time and go to the voting site and make sure your voice is heard for the best blogs. Vote for the ten folks who you find most helpful and most informative. I won’t object if you include this blog in that list, and I won’t take it personally if you don’t — I just urge you to take advantage of the opportunity to be heard and help make sure the best blogs get the recognition they deserve.

Most-Read GeekFluent Posts of 2013

I love metrics.

OK, that’s not precisely true. I love the things we can learn from metrics, and the process of discovering that learning. In and of themselves, the metrics are nothing but numbers, and by themselves numbers just aren’t that exciting. What the numbers represent, on the other hand, can be very, very interesting.

With that in mind, here are some numbers from 2013. Continue reading

Most-Read GeekFluent Posts of 2012

Admittedly, metrics aren’t all that exciting in and of themselves — it’s the information and the trends behind them, driving the numbers that are interesting.  This, in a single sentence, is the idea behind the Big Data phenomenon.

That said, the data I have to present here is very near and dear to me.  It’s interesting to look back and see which of my posts from 2012 got a lot of attention and which didn’t.  It offers some insight into what my readers are interested in.

That said, the most-read GeekFluent posts in 2012 are listed below with full transparency. Continue reading