Voting for Top vBlog 2017 is Open — Closes 30 June

It’s that time of year again when you’re seeing lots of “Vote for Me!” blog posts and tweets. This is not one of those posts.

Yes, once again, Eric Seibert is running voting for the Top vBlog of 2017 on his really great blog vSphere-Land(If it’s not already in whatever you’ve moved to since Google Reader went away, take a moment to add it now. I’ll wait.) Again this year, Turbonomic is helping to sponsor the voting.

So, no, I’m not going to ask you to rush over there and vote for me. I am, however going to ask you to go there sometime before voting closes on 30 June 2017 and vote for the blogs (you can choose 12 of them) that you find to be:

  • The most helpful
  • The most informative
  • The best

In the Big Scheme of ThingsTM, does being voted on of the Top vBlogs of 2017 really matter? No. No, it doesn’t.

However, I know that your favorite bloggers will definitely appreciate seeing their blog rise up a little higher in the rankings. I know that a lot of folks out there put a lot of time and effort into their postings — almost all of it during their “free” time — and almost all of them aren’t making any money off of their blogs. (Full Disclosure: From sponsorship, this blog earned slightly more than enough money to cover my hosting fees in 2016, netting approximately $16 USD for the entire year.

So thank them by taking the time to vote for the folks you read and are informed by, whoever they are — I know they’ll appreciate it. (Don’t get me wrong — if you’re having trouble thinking of who to give your 12th vote to, I’ll happily take it, but it won’t bother me in the least if you don’t vote for me at all, as long as you took the time to vote for folks you believe deserve the recognition.)

You can read up on the voting and cast your vote here.

VMworld 2012: Not Your Usual Session Voting Plea

If you travel in some of the same online circles that I do (and, since you’ve somehow found this post, you probably do), you’ve probably noticed the same thing I have: VWSVPS.

VWSVPS is VMworld Session Voting Plea Syndrome.  Symptoms are indicated by any and all of your

  • Twitter feeds
  • RSS feeds
  • Google+ stream
  • normal blog reading
  • email Inbox

all being overcome by pleas like:

  • “Please vote for my VMworld 2012 session #XXXX!”
  • “Please consider voting for VMworld sessions #XXXX, #YYYY, #ZZZZ, #AAAA, #BBBB, and #CCCC…”
  • “I’ve never actually presented anything anywhere before, but please vote for my session because I’d really really like to”
  • “We’re Vendor X — Vote for ALL of our 367 proposed sessions!”
  • “A vote for my VMworld session, #XXXX, will help bring about World Peace”

Sadly, I can offer you no cure for VWSVPS.  (The issue should clear itself up after the voting deadline of 8 June 2012.)

In fact, all I have for you is yet another VMworld Session Voting Plea (YAVWSVP).

This plea is a little different, however.  I have nothing invested in how you vote — I’ve submitted no proposals of my own this year, nor has anyone at my employer (but look out next year!).

Instead, I’m just going to ask that you DO, in fact, vote.

Let’s face it: Ultimately this is VMware’s conference and they can do whatever they want with it (as they should), but they’re offering their user-base a chance to be heard and contribute to the decision process, and that’s an opportunity we shouldn’t miss out on.

So, please, sometime between now and the end of 8 June, set aside 20 minutes or so and go over to the VMworld 2012 Session Voting page and vote.  What should you vote for?  Whatever sessions and topics you would like to see presented.

Please, there are a lot of good proposals out there worthy of your attention, and if we keep participating, it’ll help encourage VMware to keep inviting our participation.