Most-Read GeekFluent Posts of 2013

I love metrics.

OK, that’s not precisely true. I love the things we can learn from metrics, and the process of discovering that learning. In and of themselves, the metrics are nothing but numbers, and by themselves numbers just aren’t that exciting. What the numbers represent, on the other hand, can be very, very interesting.

With that in mind, here are some numbers from 2013. Continue reading

Most-Read GeekFluent Posts of 2012

Admittedly, metrics aren’t all that exciting in and of themselves — it’s the information and the trends behind them, driving the numbers that are interesting.  This, in a single sentence, is the idea behind the Big Data phenomenon.

That said, the data I have to present here is very near and dear to me.  It’s interesting to look back and see which of my posts from 2012 got a lot of attention and which didn’t.  It offers some insight into what my readers are interested in.

That said, the most-read GeekFluent posts in 2012 are listed below with full transparency. Continue reading

The Why of the Follow

Regardless of your medium of choice for social media — Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, blog posts — the first, and easiest, measure of success is the number of followers you have.

There are a lot of social media articles out there that offer tips and techniques for building your followership.  This isn’t one of those articles.

Instead, I’d like to explore why people choose to follow someone.  I’ve been thinking about this for a while now, and, as far as I can tell, when people follow you, it boils down to basically three reasons — either individually or in some combination.

Continue reading