Introducing the GeekFluent Mini-Cast

I’ve been thinking about trying podcasting for a while now, and so, with EMC World happening, well, right now, it seemed like the perfect time to just dive in.

That said, I’m pleased to announce Season One, Episode One of the GeekFluent Mini-Cast, recorded today.

The name comes from my decision to limit episodes to 15 minutes maximum length.

For the introductory episode, I’m joined by Mark Browne and Greg McCarthy of EMC. We recorded on the show floor of EMC World 2016, as it was being built around usĀ (you can hear the construction noises quite clearly in the background). In this episode we talk about podcasting itself and its place in social media.

Take a listen below.

I’ll work on getting a presence on iTunes and Stitcher and all that, but for now I wanted to get this first episode live as quickly as possible.