GeekFluent Round-up of VMware Announcements from Monday of Partner Exchange

I’m at the VMware Partner Exchange conference now. The pre-conference boot camps have finished up, and the “main” conference is starting. As part of the pre-conference events, VMware made several product announcements, including:

I’ll give an overview of each below.

vSphere 6.0

This was, for me, the most-anticipated of the announcements. It was also the biggest of the Partner Exchange announcements, and the biggest vSphere announcement ever. There are a total of over 650 new features in vSphere. Rather than go through them all, I’ll only list my most-favorite ones, in no particular order:

vCloud Air Hybrid Cloud Extensions

vCloud Air is the name of the product formerly know as VMware Hybrid Cloud Service. The vCloud Air Hybrid Cloud Extensions allow vCloud Air to be used in conjunction with various public  cloud providers like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft.

VMware Integrated OpenStack (VIO)

This provides for full OpenStack support with vSphere. The VMware Integrated OpenStack will be provided for free to Enterprise Plus customers.

VSAN 6.0

Don’t let the numbering confuse you (the current version of VSAN is 1.0). VMware has jumped the numbers so that VSAN and vSphere can match.

VSAN 6.0 includes:


VMware Integrated OpenStack will be GA on 24 February.

Both vSphere 6.0 and VSAN 6.0 will be GA on 3 March.

vCloud Air Hybrid Cloud Extensions will be GA sometime in Q2 of this year.