My Schedule for EMC World 2013

EMC World is almost here, and I’ve been spending a bit of effort figuring out how my time there would be best spent, and think I’ve got my schedule more or less worked out (there are only a couple double-bookings (and one triple-booking) remaining).

Working out my schedule details was originally an exercise purely intended for my own benefit.  Having everything in my calendar app will keep me on track once I’m embroiled in the full-on organized chaos that tech conferences tend to be.  However, a conversation with Matt Brender (@mjbrender) convinced me that others might be interested as well (and that I might want people to be able to find me), so following his example, I’ve decided to share mine here.

First, a disclaimer.  Just like how no carefully-contrived battle plan ever survives first contact with the enemy, I recognize that no carefully-planned schedule survives arrival on-site at a tech conference.  Despite that, I still wouldn’t want to go into either endeavor without a plan.

So, if you’d like to meet up at EMC World, your best bet is to actually contact me directly (Twitter or email work best, but a comment on this post would also work).  If you want to try the “be where Dave is likely to be” method, what follows is where I’m likely to be.  If you want to know where I am for sure at any given moment, I’ll likely be live-tweeting the entire conference, so simply follow my Twitter feed.

Standard Disclaimers

All days and times listed are local Las Vegas time. Schedule subject to change without notice. Your mileage may vary. Do not attempt. Dave is a trained professional using all proper safety equipment. Yes, I know there are conflicts in the schedule. Terms and conditions may apply.

Dave’s EMC World 2013 Schedule

Here’s where I’m most likely to be found at given times.  At any given time not specifically listed the places I’m most likely to be found are:


Sunday will definitely be my lightest day at the conference.  The plan looks more or less like this:


EMC World officially starts with the 2nd Annual Global Partner Summit (GPS).  I missed the first one since I was working a booth last year, so I’m very interested in seeing what will be happening here.


EMC World kicks into full swing.  I anticipate going non-stop all day.


Another very busy day.


Final day of EMC World.  The last chance to meet with some of the folks attending.

Want to Meet?

If you’re like to get together, at the moment it looks like Thursday offers the most options. Reach out!